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Linhan Sun

Plant Biology Grad Student at Penn State.

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3.9-3.16 文献总结

SI and UI(Unilateral Incompatibility) in Solanum


Li W, Chetelat R T. A pollen factor linking inter-and intraspecific pollen rejection in tomato[J]. Science, 2010, 330(6012): 1827-1830.

  • SI*SC rule of UI

  • QTL ui6.1=WD40+Cullin1(CUL1)

  • Skp1-Cullin1-F box complex/SLF-SBP-CUL1 complex

  • all green fruit species(SI or SC) have ‘shorter’ mRNA of CUL1

  • red/orange fruit species(all SC) have ‘longer’ mRNA (436bp deletion)

  • UI may be regulated by a similar mechanism as SNare-dependent SI


Tovar‐Méndez A, Kumar A, Kondo K, et al. Restoring pistil‐side self‐incompatibility factors recapitulates an interspecific reproductive barrier between tomato species[J]. The Plant Journal, 2014, 77(5): 727-736.

  • Introducing functional S-RNase/HT-A/HT-B of SI species into cultivated tomato

  • S-RNase+HT-A/B is sufficient for recapitulate SI (redundant mechanism)

  • mating system transition from SI to SC

  • transition would affect interspecific compatibility

AP1 regulated determinate growth of sepal axil cells via cytokinin


Han Y, Zhang C, Yang H, et al. Cytokinin pathway mediates APETALA1 function in the establishment of determinate floral meristems in Arabidopsis[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2014, 111(18): 6840-6845.

transient transfection assay

glucocoriticoid receptor (GR) fusion

ABP1 is not essential


Gao Y, Zhang Y, Zhang D, et al. Auxin binding protein 1 (ABP1) is not required for either auxin signaling or Arabidopsis development[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015, 112(7): 2275-2280.

Cellular immunization generated knockdown alleles(antibody mutants)

TILLING mutant


Tena G. Auxin signalling: ABP1 springs a surprise[J]. Nature Plants, 2015, 1(3).

Liu C M. Auxin Binding Protein 1 (ABP1): A matter of fact[J]. Journal of integrative plant biology, 2015.

Haploid Induction via Centromere-Mediated Genome Elimination

(First report)

Ravi M, Chan S W L. Haploid plants produced by centromere-mediated genome elimination[J]. Nature, 2010, 464(7288): 615-618.


Ravi M, Shibata F, Ramahi J S, et al. Meiosis-specific loading of the centromere-specific histone CENH3 in Arabidopsis thaliana [J]. PLoS genetics, 2011, 7(6): e1002121.


Comai L. Genome elimination: translating basic research into a future tool for plant breeding[J]. PLoS biology, 2014, 12(6): e1001876.

(DH line of Arabidopsis)

Seymour D K, Filiault D L, Henry I M, et al. Rapid creation of Arabidopsis doubled haploid lines for quantitative trait locus mapping[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012, 109(11): 4227-4232.

(Apoximis Fixation)

Marimuthu M P A, Jolivet S, Ravi M, et al. Synthetic clonal reproduction through seeds[J]. Science, 2011, 331(6019): 876-876.

(Review of RNA regulated centromere)

Gent J I, Dawe R K. RNA as a structural and regulatory component of the centromere[J]. Annual review of genetics, 2012, 46: 443-453.


Zhao X, Xu X, Xie H, et al. Fertilization and uniparental chromosome elimination during crosses with maize haploid inducers[J]. Plant physiology, 2013, 163(2): 721-731.

Apoximis of crop plants

Marimuthu M P A, Jolivet S, Ravi M, et al. Synthetic clonal reproduction through seeds[J]. Science, 2011, 331(6019): 876-876.

Singh M, Goel S, Meeley R B, et al. Production of viable gametes without meiosis in maize deficient for an ARGONAUTE protein[J]. The Plant Cell Online, 2011, 23(2): 443-458.

(MiME) d’Erfurth I, Jolivet S, Froger N, et al. Turning meiosis into mitosis[J]. PLoS biology, 2009, 7(6): e1000124.



Rapha.l Mercier及其同事针对生殖细胞分裂独有的三个进程:

.利用Atspo11 - 1基因突变重组或配对染色体





Barcaccia G, Albertini E. Apomixis in plant reproduction: a novel perspective on an old dilemma[J]. Plant reproduction, 2013, 26(3): 159-179.

A rotating view of auxin signaling

(Lecture: Dr.Jianru Zuo, unpublished work)

  • root development of rice

  • lrt2(lateral rootless 2) mutant

  • LRT2 encodes a cyclophilin, a PPIase (Pro cis-trans isomerase). Substrate?

  • osiaa mutant phenocopies lrt2

  • T105C106 in IAA protein is transformed to CC catalyzed by LRT2, which subsequently promotes interaction of IAAx with TIR.

  • Auxin functions as ‘molecular glue’


Li M, Ma X, Chiang Y H, et al. Proline isomerization of the immune receptor-interacting protein RIN4 by a cyclophilin inhibits effector-triggered immunity in Arabidopsis[J]. Cell host & microbe, 2014, 16(4): 473-483.

Rice Chilling Tolerance(COLD1)

Ma Y, Dai X, Xu Y, et al.COLD1 confers chilling tolerance in rice[J]. Cell, 2015.


  • How is cold sensing and cold tolerance related?

  • What’s the function of QTLs cold2-5? How would we explain their genetic contribution to chilling tolerance phenotype?

  • GWAS to detect possible SNPs?

Regulatory between RdDM and demethylation in Arabidopsis

Lei M, Zhang H, Julian R, et al. Regulatory link between DNA methylation and active demethylation in Arabidopsis[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015: 201502279.