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Linhan Sun

Plant Biology Grad Student at Penn State.

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Sun, P., Li, S., Lu, D., Williams, J. S. & Kao, T. Pollen S-locus F-box proteins of Petunia involved in S-RNase-based self-incompatibility are themselves subject to ubiquitin-mediated degradation. Plant J. n/a–n/a (2015). doi:10.1111/tpj.12880

S2-SLF1/S3-SLF1/S2-SLF1(CTR) degradation in yeast via UPP

  • Y2H no interaction of S2-SLF1 with S2-RNase and S3-RNase

  • No S2-SLF1/S3-SLF1/S2-SLF1(CTR) protein in yeast

  • UPP in yeast degradation: treatment with MG132

S2-SLF1 degradation in Petunia via UPP

  • pollen/in vitro germinated pollen tubes

  • S2S3/S2-SLF1-GFP

  • cell-free system

  • +MG132 +ATP

  • GFP level: no degradation of fused GFP

F-box not involved in degradation (not auto-catalytic)

  • S2S3/S2-SLF1(CTR) +/- MG132

18-aa degron on C-Terminal of S2-SLF1

  • BDM-PUB:predict potential ubiquitination sites (8 Lys)

  • 8 pGBKT7 with S2-SLF1 truncated to Lys in yeast

  • 1-191 Detected: Lys192 potential ubiquitination site?

  • K192R replacement in after 192 truncate fragments: no increase in stability

  • Does 192-328 has a degron?

  • S2-SLF1(minus 192-328) is stable

  • 4 pGBKT7 with S2-SLF1 truncated to Lys between 192 and 329

  • narrow down to 295-328

  • Lys295 is not ubiquitination site (K295R)

  • Divide 295-328 into 295-312/313-328

  • GFP:(295-312) vs GDP:(174-191) compared to pBGBKT7-GFP

  • 295-312 contains a degradation motif

Degron involved in SI function

  • S2S3/S2-SLF1(minus 295-312):GFP

  • incomplete stability of S2-SLF1 upon deletion of 295-312

  • SI not breakdwon in S3 pollens

  • Co-IP: S2-SLF1(minus 295-312):GFP interacts with S2-RNase


  • F-box proteins regulate stability of their substrates (e.g. EBF1/2-EIN3 in ethylene signaling)

  • 295-312: no known degron motifs

  • 4 identical aa among all 17 S2-SLFs+3 highly conserved

  • Lys295 is not ubiquitination site: outside degron (recongnition sites) ubiquitination sites (e.g. cyclinB and securin- APC/C)

  • Serine/Threoine phosphorylation of F-box residues needed for binding, so phosphorylated peptide motis serve as recognition site

  • not complete stability/S2-SLF1(1-253) is more unstable than (1-224): additional degron in 225 to 253

  • F-box proteins degradation mediated by non-SCF E3 ligase?

  • Common degradation of S2-SLF1 in yeast and Petuina: HECT E3 ligase (mono-subunit degradatiob)? UPL1-7 in Arabidopsis

  • deletion of 295-312 makes S2-SLF1 not interact with S3-RNase normally

  • CTR of SLFs not contain any known motifs in other F-box proteins (WD40): now a degradation motif in CTR

  • Dynamic cycling of SLFs is an integral part of SLFs function

Li, S., Sun, P., Williams, J. S. & Kao, T. Identification of the self-incompatibility locus F-box protein-containing complex in Petunia inflata. Plant Reprod. 27, 31–45 (2014).

  • SCF complex= Skp1+Cullin 1+Rbx1

  • AhSLF-S2 bait in Y2H screen: found AhSSK1 (Q:why in AhSLF-S2 is not degraded in yeast?)

  • PhSSK1 is pollen specific (?)

  • PhSSK1 as an adaptor in SCF-like complex

  • non-canonical SCF complex: S2-SLF1+piCUL1-G+PiSBP1

  • all SLFs assembled in same SCF complex?

  • pBI101- LAT52P:S2-SLF1:GFP**/S2S3 Co-IP/MS

  • S2-SLF1+PiCUL1-P, PiSSK1 and PiRBX1

  • pBI101-LAT52P:PiS-SK1:FLAG:GFP/S2S3

  • PiRBX1 and PiCUL1-P in the SLF-containing complex

  • S2-SLF4/S2-SLFx in similar complex

  • PiSSK1 and PiCUL1-P evolved with SLFs?

  • SSK1 is a novel class of Skp1-like proteins

  • PiCUL1-P is Petunia inflata homolog of SpCUL1 in tomato (Cullin1 in P.inflata are PiCUl1-G and C)

  • PiCUl1-P expression is pollen specific, neither PiCUL1-G or C

  • PiRBX1 as only conventional SCF complex component in LSF complexs

  • If all SLFs formed same complex in pollen specifity, it could be used to see if a candidate SLF is involved in pollen specifity

  • complex formed in mature pollens before germination

  • PiSBP1(mono-subunit E3) mediate UPP degradatiuon of SLFs not involved in detoxification of S-RNases